Mostafa Farrokhabadi
Mostafa Farrokhabadi

Assistant Professor
ESE Department
University of Calgary

I hold a Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Waterloo. During my Ph.D., I also worked for the Canadian Solar and Hatch Ltd. I joined BluWave-ai in May 2018 as the first employee and technical leader, scaling up the company's technology stack to Series A. In July 2022, I joined the Department of Electrical and Software Engineering at the University of Calgary. I am a Senior Member of IEEE, an Ontario Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), and a distinguished Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, among several other professional and service appointments.

I am the PI of the Distribution Grids Research & Innovation (DGRI) Lab. The moniker "DGRI" is pronounced similarly to "degree," signifying the group's commitment to climate change mitigation. The name also serves as a tribute to its location, aligning phonetically with "Calgary.”

I am a co-PI of the U.S.-Canada Center on Climate-Resilient Western Interconnected Grid (WIRED), co-leading the power grid and innovation ecosystem activities of the Center.

My research covers the broad areas of modeling, stability, control, and optimization in power systems. More recently, I have been focused on modern electrical distribution grids and microgrids. I use tools from power systems engineering, control, optimization, and applied machine learning. For more information about my active areas of research, please visit the page for Distribution Grids Research & Innovation (DGRI) Lab.

Please refer to my Google Scholar. My publications are also listed in my CV (updated February 2025).

  • 02/2025: Received the Schulich School of Engineering Early Career Research Excellence Award.
  • 12/2024: Presented at the NeurIPS 2024 Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning.
  • 05/2024: Delivered the keynote of "AI in Energy and Environment" theme at Amii Upper Bound 2024.
  • 11/2023: Selected among the University of Calgary's Delegates to the formal section of the UNFCCC COP28.
  • 04/2023: Participated in the CIFAR AI for Energy & Environment Symposium.
  • 03/2023: Received the ESE Department Annual Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Calgary Engineering Students’ Society.